Crowd & Power

Is it possible to choreograph reality? Can reality dictate the choreography?

Norrdan's ten dancers share the stage with ten local residents. Together they form a unique ensemble that tackles the concepts of mass and power.

The crowd is a force in itself, with the ability to support and destroy. In Crowds & Power, Martin Forsberg creates a choreographic field stretched between the human mass and the actions that demonstrate the scales of power. Interpersonal and formulated through the biggest and the smallest.

In Crowds & Power we meet scenography and costume design by David Gehrt and newly composed music by Anna-Sóley Tryggvadóttir. The work is framed by lighting design signed by Mads Lindegaard. Crowds & Power is bombastic, monumental and sentimentally close.

Martin Forsberg is the artistic director of Norrdans and has previously choreographed works together with Norrdans that deal with communication and the staged authentic in works such as Doppelgänger and Proxy.

Book online
23Apr 19:00 - 21:00 Stage 2, Sara kulturhus

Contact information

Torggatan 7
Contact: Maria Asserud
Phone: +46-910715615

Organizer: Västerbottensteatern AB

E-mail: maria.asserud@vasterbottens...

More from Stage 2, Sara kulturhus


Price information

Word price: SEK 265

Youth (under 26 years)/stud: SEK 185