Phone: +46-910735000
Organizer: Museum Anna Nordlander
E-mail: cecilia@museumannanordlande...
MAN presents the works of five artists exploring one of the five classical elements – water.
A source of life, a resonant medium, a geo- and sociopolitically contested resource, a poetic entity, a scientifically significant field, and: all living beings consist of at least 50% water.
The exhibition can be seen as an exploration of notions of the archaic, mythical, and allegorical, while also hinting at possible future scenarios.
Participating artists:
Xadalu Tupã Jekupé, Brazil
Zora Kreuzer, Germany
Anna Lidberg, Sweden
Nicoleta Mureș, Romania
Tomoko Sauvage, Japan
Image: Nicoleta Mureș, Life's a Beach (2020), video still, © Nicoleta Mureș
Phone: +46-910735000
Organizer: Museum Anna Nordlander
E-mail: cecilia@museumannanordlande...
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